Checks code documentation on fields (available since 2.4.2)


  "type": "FieldDocComment",
  "props": {
    "requireParams": true,
    "fieldType": "BOTH",
    "requireReturn": true,
    "ignoreOverride": true,
    "tokens": [
    "modifier": "PUBLIC",
    "excludeNames": [

Only checks fields matching types listed in tokens:

Token Name  
ABSTRACT_DEF abstract types
CLASS_DEF class types
ENUM_DEF enum types
INTERFACE_DEF interface types
TYPEDEF_DEF typdef types

Limit types of fields to check with fieldType:

VARS only var fields
FUNCTIONS only functions
BOTH both vars and functions

Limit modifiers of fields to check with modifier:

PUBLIC only public fields
PRIVATE only private fields
BOTH public and private fields

Use requireParams and requireReturn to require @param param1 and @return for every param and return values. ignoreOverride ignores functions wqith override.

excludeNames lists a all names that should not produce a checkstyle violation. Defaults to ["new", "toString"].