Checks that whitespace is present or absent around a operators.


    "type": "OperatorWhitespace",
    "props": {
        "severity": "WARNING",
        "assignOpPolicy": "around",
        "unaryOpPolicy": "none",
        "ternaryOpPolicy": "around",
        "arithmeticOpPolicy": "around",
        "compareOpPolicy": "around",
        "bitwiseOpPolicy": "around",
        "boolOpPolicy": "around",
        "intervalOpPolicy": "none",
        "arrowPolicy": "around",
        "arrowFunctionPolicy": "around",
        "oldFunctionTypePolicy": "around",
        "newFunctionTypePolicy": "around",
Policy Operators
assignOpPolicy =, +=, -=, *=, /=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, |=, ^=
unaryOpPolicy ++, --, !, ~
ternaryOpPolicy ?:
arithmeticOpPolicy +, -, *, /, %
compareOpPolicy ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
bitwiseOpPolicy &, |, ^, <<, >>, >>>
boolOpPolicy &&, ||
intervalOpPolicy ...
arrowPolicy =>
arrowFunctionPolicy -> in (i) -> i + 2
oldFunctionTypePolicy -> in Int -> Void
newFunctionTypePolicy -> in (param:Int) -> Void

Available policy values are:

Option Description
around enforce whitespace before and after operator
before enforce whitespace before and no whitespace after operator
after enforce no whitespace before and whitespace after operator
none enforce no whitespace before and after operator
ignore skip checks

For unary operators only whitespace between operator and operand is checked, available policy values are:

Option Description
inner enforce whitespace between unary operator and operand
none enforce no whitespace between unary operator and operand
ignore skip checks