Checks for the placement of left curly braces ({) for code blocks. The policy to verify is specified using the property option.


    "type": "LeftCurly",
    "props": {
        "severity": "WARNING",
        "option": "eol",
        "ignoreEmptySingleline": true,
        "tokens": [
Option Description
eol end of line
nl new line
nlow new line on wrap

When ignoreEmptySingleline is to true (default) empty blocks in a single line will not produce a warning.

Token Name Description Example
CLASS_DEF class definition class Test {}
ENUM_DEF enum definition enum Test {}
ABSTRACT_DEF abstract definition abstract Test {}
TYPEDEF_DEF typdef definition typedef Test = {}
INTERFACE_DEF interface definition interface Test {}
OBJECT_DECL object declaration { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
FUNCTION function body function test () {}
FOR for body for (i in 0..10) {}
IF if / else body if (test) {} else {}
WHILE while body while (test) {}
SWITCH switch / case body switch (test) { case: {} default: {} }
TRY try body try {}
CATCH catch body catch (e:Dynamic) {}
REIFICATION macro reification $i{}
ARRAY_COMPREHENSION array comprehension [for (i in 0...10) {i * 2}]


If option was set to eol, with ignoreEmptySingleline set to true

public function new() {
public function donothing() {}


If option was set to eol

public function new()

With ignoreEmptySingleline set to false

public function donothing() {}